STUDIO HOUSE 2 presentation within Romanian Design Week 2022 - DIGITAL SHOWCASE
DAAA presented the Studio House 2 project in the digital showcase exhibition of RDW 2022, May 13th-22th, Bucharest, Romania.
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STUDIO HOUSE 2 presentation within Romanian Design Week 2022 - DIGITAL SHOWCASE
DAAA presented the Studio House 2 project in the digital showcase exhibition of RDW 2022, May 13th-22th, Bucharest, Romania.
More details here:
LA COCHMÈLIE presented and nominated at The Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2021 in the “Built Architecture / Architecture and Heritage” section
La Cochmèlie project was presented in AAB 2021 online exhibition and it won a Nomination in the “Built Architecture / Architecture and Heritage” section.
More details here:
DAAA projects selected for The Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2021
DAAA projects will be presented in AAB 2021 exhibition in the “Built Architecture / Collective Housing Architecture”, “Built Architecture / Architecture and Heritage” and “Portfolio Architecture / Residencial Architecture” sections, starting from November 15th.
DAAA projects selected for The National Biennial of Architecture / Bienala Națională de Arhitectură 2021
DAAA projects will be presented in BNA 2021 exhibitions in the “Collective Housing”, “Industrial, Administrative, Tourist and Sports-Leisure Buildings”, “Rural Revitalization” and “Architectural Photography” sections, starting from October 18th.
More details here:
LA COCHMÈLIE published in Zeppelin #162
More details here:
LA COCHMÈLIE presentation within Romanian Design Week 2021
DAAA presented the La Cochmèlie project in the main exhibition of RDW 2021, June 4th-13th, at Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Bucharest, Romania.
More details here:
VR Tour here:
DAAA project selected for Romanian Design Week 2021
DAAA will be present in the main exhibition of RDW 2021 with the La Cochmèlie project.
More details here:
And here:
AVIATORII RESIDENCE published in Locuințe colective din România - selecție 2021
HOUSE IN THE FOREST published in BIUAR #2-3
HOUSE IN THE FOREST presented, nominated and winner at The Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2020 in the “Portfolio Architecture / Residencial Architecture” section
House in the forest project was presented in AAB 2020 online exhibition and it won the Romanian Union of Architects Award for Excellence and a Nomination in the “Portfolio Architecture / Residencial Architecture” section.
More details here:
DAAA project selected for The Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2020
DAAA project will be presented in AAB 2020 exhibition in the “Portfolio Architecture / Residencial Architecture” section, starting from November 5th.
HOUSE IN THE FOREST on-line presentation within The Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2020
House in the forest project was presented on-line in AAB 2020 in the “Portfolio Architecture / Residential Architecture” section.
Official recording here:
More details here:
Living and working outside the big city will be the next step for a family of two artists. In a village near Bucharest, the project will consist of adapting and renovating two existing houses built in different periods.
More details coming soon!
HOTEL BY THE SEA featured on
Designist in an article related to The
Bucharest Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură București 2019
AVIATORII RESIDENCE construction reached the 11th floor
More details coming soon!
HOTEL BY THE SEA presented, nominated and winner at The Dobrogea Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură Dobrogea 2019 in the “Hospitality Architecture” section
Hotel by the sea (Clas Hotel) project was presented in a_da 2019 exhibition and it won the trophy for the best project in the “Hospitality Architecture” section.
AVIATORII RESIDENCE redefined the city skyline
Aviatorii Residence construction reached the 11th floor, thus redefining the city skyline, as seen from the Tăbăcăriei Lake’s shore.
More details coming soon!
DAAA project selected for The Dobrogea Architecture Annual / Anuala de Arhitectură Dobrogea 2019
DAAA project will be presented in a_da 2019 exhibition at the Constanta Art Museum in Constanța, Romania, starting from November 14th.
DAAA project presentation within the "My HOME" exhibition at UAUIM Bucharest
, as part of the events of the Bucharest Triennale East Centric Architecture - "HOME/any/more/?" 2019
Studio House project will be presented in ECA TRIENNALE 2019 - “My HOME” exhibition at the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, 18-20 Academiei Street, in Bucharest, Romania, between October 7th and November 3rd.
More details here: